A look at the relationship between Data and Diversity, plus a new partnership announcement with Adecco UK and Ireland

Proven impact
Diversity and inclusion is no longer a “nice to have’, but is a key business driver for success and a demonstrable and quantifiable catalyst in productivity, innovation and workplace attractiveness. In response to a growing core of evidence on the tangible benefits of D&I, plus the clear spotlight in recent politics and its importance as a factor for millennials and gen z who are entering the world of work, many companies in 2021 are highly motivated to get to grips with their D&I status.
As much as this is, and often devolves into, an emotional issue, those companies succeeding know that meaningful gains and changes to D&I are made by leveraging information and data analytics. Dean Stoecker in a Forbes article writes:
"Diversity and inclusion needs to be a CEO-level priority. Whether by gender, race, age or any other factor, a diverse group of people brings unique experiences, perspectives and ideas to the table. In a data-driven business world, the insights that come from the discussions around that metaphoric table—be it in the board room, conference room or lab—can lead to the secret sauce that takes products or services from good to great."
This short article will briefly discuss how data analytics can benefit your D&I agenda, why C-level support for D&I leadership is essential for any meaningful impact, then spotlight the company Adecco and how its D&I commitments for 2021 are a strong demonstration of best practice.
What gets measured gets done
A favourite phrase here at Humdex “what gets measured gets done”. Too long has D&I activity been driven by the success of a competitor, or is based or on ‘what feels right’ rather than on data driven analysis. Data analytics should play a big part in establishing D&I milestones and informing how these can be successfully reached. Nebulous targets devoid of a solid understanding of both a company's internal but also external environment [their current status and potential], will effect a company negatively and can cause stagnation, resentment and a lack-lustre response in the business. Conversely clear, data-based, attainable yet aspirational targets will focus efforts, create clear lines for accountability, and offer up the opportunity to celebrate success.
“We need to have an evidence base for D&I. That’s why it’s not just important to set D&I goals and targets but also to measure progress and success."
Olivia McEvoy, Using data for evidence based action on Diversity and Inclusion, Ernst & Young — Ireland, 9 Aug 2019
Often D&I targets are set to a default 50/50 for representation or “better than last year”. Businesses can often find themselves at the mercy of targets like these which have no factual justification for their creation. For example, there may not be the same number of female engineers or IT professionals as males in your geography or business sector, making a 50/50 ratio highly unlikely in the short term, frequently resulting in a cycle of failure to reach goals or aspirations and wasted time and resources. Without good quality data, D&I discussions can often feel quite emotional and personal, making effective conversations difficult and progress slow and painful. Our recent research published in the report "Humdex Next Generation HR" ascertained that the majority of C-level or equivalent leaders would welcome HR ‘as a driver of company strategy” bringing with them that data to help make decisions “based on facts and figures” [see fig.1]. So not only do senior managers want important strategic input from HR but they also need input to be data-driven, which will effectively mitigate some of the emotion from the picture at the core of all D&I initiatives.
The following tables from our recent report show that firstly; business leaders want HR to both focus on D&I and to be able to think both analytically and strategically ( Fig 1) . This is mirrored by the data from HR professionals themselves, who clearly see the need for more data driven thinking ( Fig 2.).

Fig. 2

Data analytics, such as these provided by Humdex, help to provide an unbiased, fact-based foundation from which to understand a company’s “as is”, effectively laying out the market situation, in order to then produce powerful options/pathing for future business strategy.
What is more, building data-analytics into a D&I strategy and fostering this scientific method as a company culture can, in itself, help to produce positive D&I results. Dean Stoecker continues:
"The evolving landscape of the data science and analytics market creates an inherent need for organizations to foster data-driven cultures fuelled by collaboration and diversity, presenting an opportunity for women, and other demographics traditionally underrepresented in the technology workforce, to accelerate their careers by embracing analytic roles. As a business leader, I long ago recognized that true, authentic diversity brings a wealth of insights and is a critical factor in driving global growth and success. As with data, the more sources and points of view that are available, the richer the insights and outcomes will be."
A unifying factor
Effective D&I programmes can only prosper when C-level management co-ordinates and collaborates with its designated D&I leadership. The secret value of a successful D&I initiative is in its power to unify upper management with the business as a whole, for no D&I leader will succeed without C-level guidance and commitment.
"Without your active support and leadership, no D&I leader will succeed. But with an intentional approach from the executive team, you can create the conditions that allow everyone to thrive, starting with the D&I leader"
M. Valentine, C-Suite: Your D&I Leader Is Doomed To Fail (Unless You Step Up), Forbes, Feb 13, 2020
Fig 1. clearly shows that the time is right with ‘C’ suite business leaders calling on HR to support them, by defining a strategy built on good quality data, in their drive for diversity and inclusion.
The D&I leadership, currently, has no authority or access to guarantee that their calculated requirements for progress are favourable or indeed sustainable. This is, in part, an indication of a wider issue HR currently faces. Again the Humdex Next Generation HR [Fig.2] pinpoints the fundamental question, how can HR (and by extension D&I leadership) hope to enact meaningful change with data and experience, when they are not currently seen as a “Driver in defining business strategy” but more as an implementer of the pre-determined. This is the equivalent of having an important scientific debate where the scientist have to wait outside the room whilst the answer is decided.
Fig. 3

D&I leadership needs top down company support and authority, visably at all levels, in order to make a marked impact and effect any form of ROI. D&I leadership can lead efforts, in collaboration with the C-suite, to operationalise desired company values and ensure they are part of everyday people processes and business decisions.
“It is inseparably part of building a successful business. Avoiding it or, worse, offloading it onto a powerless D&I leader is a capitulation of your duty as an entrepreneur, businessperson and human being.
D&I is not a program, a line item or an initiative; it is an outcome of intentional high-integrity work, strong metrics and shared accountability.
D&I leaders truly want to make a difference. It’s up to the C-suite to step up and give them the power, access and tools to help the people and the business thrive."
M. Valentine, C-Suite: Your D&I Leader Is Doomed To Fail (Unless You Step Up), Forbes, Feb 13, 2020
Humdex and Adecco
At Humdex we are proud to announce that, in partnership with Adecco UK/I, we are able to offer an in depth D&I Talent Market Mapping for companies to support the delivery of a quantified and market driven approach to D&I . Our partnership with Adecco grew from the D&I analysis we provided for them, that enabled them to define and publish their own D&I commitments.
Adecco’s commitment to D&I
To prove the value of this approach Adecco is already using this methodology to define their future D&I aspirations and better operate competitively in the market. Alex Fleming Region President of Northern Europe at Adecco writes
“D&I is not only a real focus area for us at Adecco but also with the many clients and candidates we work with and represent. We have a number of external D&I partners working to provide solutions to the talent market, and we are delighted to be able to add the Humdex D&I Talent Market Mapping product to our exciting range of offers. Humdex brings quality analysis to D&I data that can be a big part of both defining strategy initiatives and in delivering clear fact based communication to stakeholders.”
We are extremely excited to be partnering with Adecco UK and Ireland, part of the world’s leading human capital solutions company, the Adecco Group. As a Fortune Global 500 company, the business skills, develops and hires talent in 60 countries, enabling organisations to embrace the future of work.
Read more about what we are doing with D&I Talent Market Mapping by taking a look at our infographic just below:
Find out more about how Adecco used our data for their December 2020 Equality, Diversity and inclusion commitments available here:
If you want to know more about D&I Talent Market Mapping you can contact the Adecco UK and Ireland team HERE.
"It takes effort to assess employee experience of D&I, devise a strategy and action plan, deliver on its ambitions and then measure the results."
Olivia McEvoy, Using data for evidence based action on Diversity and Inclusion, Ernst & Young — Ireland, 9 Aug 2019

We work hard at keeping up to date and informed on the latest trends and news affecting the world of people analytics, diversity and inclusion & strategic workforce planning. If you would like to know more about the work we do, then please contact us.
Author -Scott Brent
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